Welcome ​Back To Reality
Welcome ​Back To Reality
​Deconversion From Christianity
A Survey About Your Personal Beliefs
A Survey About Your Personal Beliefs
Please Answer Yes or No
Do you believe there's an Almighty God that controls everything in the universe?
Do you believe that God lives up in the sky somewhere in a place called Heaven?
Do you believe that God created the universe and everything in it?
Do you believe that God answers the prayers of his believers?
Do you believe that the Virgin Mary was impregnated by God's spirit?
Do you believe that Mary gave birth to God's earthly son named Jesus?
Do you believe that Jesus himself is God and also the Holy Spirit?
Do believe that God's son was sent to be the savior of all humanity?
Do you believe that Jesus had an earthly ministry and performed miracles?
Do you believe that Jesus was crucified and died on a cross for everyone's sins?
Do you believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and now is in Heaven with God?
Do you believe that if you believe in Jesus, you will be given eternal life?
Do you believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God?
Do you believe that everything in the Holy Bible is true and to be taken literally?
Do you believe that the Earth is around 6,000 years old?
Do you believe that the story of Noah's Ark is true?
If you said YES to all of these questions, you have just proved that you've
been indoctrinated into the Christian religion!
Watch the videos below to learn more!
Rational Thinking vs. Religion- Sam Harris
Rational Thinking vs. Religion- Sam Harris
Richard Dawkins: How We Can Outgrow God and Religion
Richard Dawkins: How We Can Outgrow God and Religion
Aron Ra Explains The Relationship Between Religion and Addiction
Aron Ra Explains The Relationship Between Religion and Addiction
Is Wokeness Replacing Religion?
Is Wokeness Replacing Religion?
The Center of All Things
The Center of All Things
Talking To One Who Won't Listen
Talking To One Who Won't Listen
Elon Musk: Does God Exist?
Elon Musk: Does God Exist?
Elon Musk Just Shared Terrifying Message To Christians
Elon Musk Just Shared Terrifying Message To Christians