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Welcome ​Back To Reality
​Deconversion From Christianity
The Resurrection
The Resurrection
Millions of Christians go to church on Easter Sunday to celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead. The entire Christian religion is based on the resurrection of this holy man believed to be the earthly son of the Christian God. What if there was no resurrection of this messianic man called Jesus? Most biblical historians believe that there was probably a proclaimed messiah named Jesus that got himself crucified, but there was never any bodily resurrection. For one reason, there is no God to raise him from the dead! The gospels even contradict each other about the resurrection story. If the resurrection story never happened, the rest of the New Testament and the Holy Bible itself would be irrelevant. There would be no savior that died for the sins of all mankind. There would be no eternal life for those followers that believe in him. The entire story would just be a big fabrication to persuade the early Jews and Gentiles into becoming Christians. Surprisingly enough, it has continued to convert people almost 2,000 years later and many superstitious people still believe in an Almighty God up the sky somewhere!
Watch the videos below to learn more about the Resurrection!
If There Was No Resurrection
If There Was No Resurrection
"If Christ Has Not Been Raised, Our Preaching Is Useless and So Is Your Faith"
The Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 15:14
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus
"I was a committed Christian for 25 years and believed wholeheartedly in the physical resurrection of Jesus. For years, I argued that it could be proved. BUT AFTER EXTENSIVE STUDY, I CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT IT WAS NOT AN HISTORICAL EVENT. "
Bart Erhman - Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina.
The Resurrection of Jesus and Other Fables
The Resurrection of Jesus and Other Fables
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Historical Fact vs Faith
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Historical Fact vs Faith
Jesus Empty Tomb Is Not History
Jesus Empty Tomb Is Not History
Dr. Bart Ehrman Destroys The Crucifixion and The Resurrection Story
Dr. Bart Ehrman Destroys The Crucifixion and The Resurrection Story
Dan Barker: Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?
Dan Barker: Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?
The Resurrection of Jesus Is A Myth - Derreck Bennett
The Resurrection of Jesus Is A Myth - Derreck Bennett
The Final Resurrection Failed To Come!
The Final Resurrection Failed To Come!
Jesus Is Dead: The Failure of Resurrection Apologetics
Jesus Is Dead: The Failure of Resurrection Apologetics
Dr. Ray Hagins: The Resurrection Is A Big Lie!
Dr. Ray Hagins: The Resurrection Is A Big Lie!