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The Apostle Paul

Who was the Apostle Paul?  Some biblical scholars claim that he was the one that started what is now known as Christianity.  Yet the only contact he ever had with Jesus was a so-called revelation that he had on the road to Damacus.  This revelation was supposedly a spiritual vision that everyone is just supposed to believe by faith even happened.  It is hard to believe that one of the largest religions in the world was started by a man who claims to have seen Jesus in a vision and that Jesus personally spoke to him in that vision.  Much of the New Testament is believed to be written by this self-proclaimed Apostle Paul.  Where did he come from?  What was Paul's message and how did it differ from the original teachings of Jesus and his original disciples?  How did Paul take over the early teachings of Jesus and turn them into something completely different in order to form his new version of religion called Christianity?

  Watch the videos below to learn more about the Apostle Paul!

Is Paul The Real Founder of Christianity?

How Paul Created Christianity - Four Texts From The Hebrew Bible

Paul The Apostle:  The Real Story of The Man That Shaped Christianity

Understanding The Apostle Paul:  A Two Hour Conversation  Dr. James Tabor w/ David LeBlanc

Did The Apostle Paul Exist?

Fraud of Ages Part One - The Apostle Paul

The Biggest Lie - The Life of The Apostle Paul

Did Paul Think of Himself As A Second Christ Figure?

The Apostle Paul vs James & Peter - What Was Their Beef?

What Did The Apostle Paul Really Think About Luke and James the Brother of Jesus

And Then Came Paul

Unpacking Paul The Apostle - Dr. Robyn Walsh

Why Did Paul Lie About His Mysterious Revelations?

Why Did Fellow Christians Hate Paul and Oppose His Doctrine?

The Failed Resurrection of The Apostle Paul

Historical Paul - What Scholars Actually Know

Paul And The Gentiles Living In The Last Days

Was The Apostle Paul For or Against Rome?

The Origins of Early Christian Literature - Professor Robyn Walsh 

Rabbi Tovia Singer Exposes New Testament Lies

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