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Welcome ​Back To Reality
​Deconversion From Christianity
Telling Your Pastor
Telling Your Pastor
Talking to your pastor or preacher of your church is probably something you don't want to do. If you talk to the pastor about leaving the church, they're only going to try and talk you out of it. They have a lot more knowledge of the Bible than you and they'll use that knowledge to explain all that you're feeling. The deacons of the church will do the same thing. Unfortunately, you just have to leave the church and your church family. If your biological family is part of the church, it's going to make it especially hard to break away. If you live in a small town, you're probably going to see church members around your community. The pastor and people from the church might call or text you to see what's happening with you. You could either ignore their calls and text or answer them back informing them that you know longer believe what you once believed. If they want to talk about it or argue the fact, tell them that you don't want to talk or argue about it!
People Tell A Pastor Why They Don't Believe In God
People Tell A Pastor Why They Don't Believe In God