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Welcome ​Back To Reality
​Deconversion From Christianity
Telling The Family
Telling The Family
Once you come to the conclusion that you no longer believe what you were taught as a child, then you have to decide either to keep your decision to yourself or to tell the family. This is not an easy decision to make, especially if you come from a very strong Christian family. There are many Christians out there right now that are still going to Church and going through the motions of being a Christian because they can't figure out a way to break away and share their feelings with their spouse and other family members. At some point, you have to do it or just keep on putting on a good act. There will come a time though, when you just can't stand to listen to the Sunday school teacher or the pastor when he gives his Sunday morning message. Eventually, you won't be able to sing the hymns and praise songs anymore because you don't believe in your heart what the words are saying! If you have to start with your spouse first, sit him or her down and talk with them. Sharing your feelings about your faith can be very harmful to your marriage and your relationships with family members. Many marriages have broken up over this topic.
If you still live with your parents, ask them if you can have a talk with them. Parents may tell you that as long as you're living in their house, you will go to church with them. Some parents may not be so demanding if you are an older teenager. If you no longer live with your parents and are out living on your own, be careful if they're paying for your education. Your change in beliefs may cause them to stop funding your education.
As you can see, this is why it is so difficult to break away from religion. The videos under the heading "Leaving Religion" may also help. Contact one of the featured organizations for suggestions to deal with your particular situation. They are there to help you!
Watch the video below about telling your family about your thoughts of deconversion!
Letter To A Christian Spouse
Letter To A Christian Spouse
How To Tell Your Religious Parents That You're An Atheist!
How To Tell Your Religious Parents That You're An Atheist!
Outgrowing Your Closet: Coming Out Atheist
Outgrowing Your Closet: Coming Out Atheist