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Questioning Your Faith

           Once you have started to question your faith, all kinds of things start going through your head.  Where did the content of the Bible come from?    Are the stories contained in the Bible really true?  Once you start searching for the truth, you realize that much of the Bible is not historically true.  Many of the events didn't even happen.  The events that may have actually happened were greatly exaggerated, just like some of the biblical characters were greatly exaggerated or didn't exist at all.  The more that you find out about what really happened historically, the more you want to know.  All of a sudden, much of what you were taught about the Bible stories are nothing but legends and myths.  You have to look outside the Bible and the church to find the answers.  You'll find out that there is a lot of historical information outside the Bible that doesn't support the Bible and its contents.  The more you learn, the more you'll begin to doubt everything you have been taught about Christianity.

 If you go to your Christian friends, your parents, your Sunday School teacher, or pastor, they will say, "You just have to believe" or "You just have to have faith".  They might say "Pray to God for your answers", or "Look to the Bible for the truth".  You have to search for the truth on your own outside of the Bible watching YouTube videos, reading books from secular biblical historians, and having conversations with other Christians that have broken away from the Christian religion.  These people that have already come back to the world of REALITY. 

Watch the videos below to learn more about deconversion from Christianity!

Gayle Jordan: Decrease the Suffering, Increase The Joy!

Why I No Longer Believe In God! 

I Came Out Atheist and This Is What Happened

Conversion & Deconversion - How Following Jesus Led Me Out of Christianity

Worshipping Ignorance - Seth Andrews

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Do You Believe In God?

Imagine No Religion 3 - Peter Boghossian

Richard Dawkins:  Best Arguments Against Religion / Faith

Richard Dawkins in Conversation With Julia Sweeney

The Roots of Religion

© 2021 Welcome Back To Reality

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