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Praying To God

As a Christian you were taught that you can communicate with God up in Heaven through prayer.  All you have to do is ask for it in the name of Jesus.  If God likes your prayer, he might answer it, in his time of course!  If your prayer isn't answered or you don't like the answer that you receive, it simply wasn't God's will for your life.  It has always amazed me how Christians believe that God can hear prayers from all over the world all at the same time.  You can even pray silently and your prayers can still be heard by God way up in the sky somewhere.  Does this really sound like something that could possibly be true?  Do you really believe there is a god up in the sky that hears your prayers.  Think about it!

Watch the videos below to learn more about prayer!

Does Prayer Actually Help?

The Story of Suzie

The Paradox of Prayer / Why Praying Is Pointless

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