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Catholic vs Protestant Religion

There are many different churches within the Christian religion.  One of the largest is the Catholic church which is where Christianity began in Rome.  The emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion in the Roman Empire back in the Third Century CE.  The Protestant church split away from the Catholic church in 1517 after the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther and his followers. The Protestant churches have many different church denominations including the Baptist, Methodist, and Lutheran churches, just to name a few.  Are they all not worshipping the same Christian God and His only begotten son Jesus?  How can there be that many different interpretations of God's Holy Word in the Bible if the Holy Word is supposedly inspired by God?  Which denomination is the right one, if they all believe their denomination is the correct one?

Imagine if there is no God, then there can be no Holy Word.  That makes the Bible nothing but a bunch of stories made up by superstitious men throughout early history.  Thus, it really doesn't matter what religious denomination you belong to. They are all wrong!

Watch the videos to learn more about different religions!

How Did Catholicism Start?

Rick Steves' Luther and The Reformation

Why Did The Protestant Reformation Happen?

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